Hosted by Gainesville is for People
Cypress & Grove Brewing Company
1001 NW 4th Street Gainesville FL 32605
Hosted by Gainesville is for People
Cypress & Grove Brewing Company
1001 NW 4th Street Gainesville FL 32605
They are items 5 and 6 on the Agenda, the meeting begins at 6:30PM but you can speak at the beginning of the meeting if you can't stay until the item is heard, full agenda here https://pub-cityofgainesville.escribemeetings.com/FileStream.ashx?DocumentId=87083
Hosted by Gainesville is for People
Gainesville City Hall Auditorium
200 East University Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32601
Come hang out with housing activists, learn about current issues facing our community, and enjoy some of the best drinks in Gainesville!
Hosted by Gainesville is for People
Cypress & Grove Brewing Company
1001 NW 4th Street Gainesville FL 32605
Speak up for housing at the City Plan Board Meeting
Hosted by Gainesville is for People
Gainesville City Hall Auditorium
200 East University Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32601
We're having a candidate forum for candidates running for local office. We will be asking candidates about their housing policy positions and GCAT will be focusing on the transportation plan of candidates.
Hosted by Gainesville is for People
LifeSouth Community Blood Center
1221 NW 13th Street Gainesville FL 32601
Speak up for housing at the City Plan Board Meeting
Hosted by Gainesville is for People
Gainesville City Hall Auditorium
200 East University Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32601
Come hang out with housing activists, learn about current issues facing our community, and enjoy some of the best drinks in Gainesville!
Hosted by Gainesville is for People
Cypress & Grove Brewing Company
1001 NW 4th Street Gainesville FL 32605
The Gainesville City Commission will be voting on two items that will reduce the minimum lot sizes in Single Family zoned areas. This will help make starter homes more prevalent.
Hosted by Gainesville is for People
Gainesville City Hall Auditorium
200 East University Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32601
Come hang out with housing activists, learn about current issues facing our community, and enjoy some of the best drinks in Gainesville!
Hosted by Gainesville is for People
Cypress & Grove Brewing Company
1001 NW 4th Street Gainesville FL 32605
Come hang out with housing activists, learn about current issues facing our community, and enjoy some of the best drinks in Gainesville!
Hosted by Gainesville is for People
619 S Main St Unit 1B Gainesville, FL 32601
The Gainesville City Commission will be voting on two items that will reduce the minimum lot sizes in Single Family zoned areas. This will help make starter homes more prevalent.
Hosted by Gainesville is for People
Gainesville City Hall Auditorium
200 East University Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32601
The Gainesville City Commission will be voting on two items that will reduce the minimum lot sizes in Single Family zoned areas. This will help make starter homes more prevalent.
Hosted by Gainesville is for People
Gainesville City Hall Auditorium
200 East University Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32601
Next Tuesday there's going to be a presentation of the future of mobility in Gainesville. Would love to see you there! https://www.gainesvillefl.gov/Events-directory/Mobility-Plan-Meeting
Hosted by Gainesville is for People
Gainesville City Hall Auditorium
200 East University Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32601
The 43rd Annual Downtown Festival & Art Show will transform the streets of historic downtown Gainesville into a celebration of art and creativity complete with 200+ artists, live music, ​performing arts, and delicious culinary art experiences.
Hosted by Gainesville is for People
The 43rd Annual Downtown Festival & Art Show will transform the streets of historic downtown Gainesville into a celebration of art and creativity complete with 200+ artists, live music, ​performing arts, and delicious culinary art experiences.
Hosted by Gainesville is for People
The City of Gainesville is proposing traffic signal adjustments, crossing enhancements, addition of new crossings, addition of new bicycle facilities, median modifications, sidewalk widening and intersection modifications.
Hosted by Gainesville is for People
302 NE 6th Ave Gainesville, FL 32601
The plan will introduce the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Action Plan and the Bicycle Pedestrian Master Plan, two major initiatives aimed at making streets safer for all residents.
Hosted by Gainesville is for People
3259 Hull Road Gainesville, FL 32608
Come hang out with housing activists, learn about current issues facing our community, and enjoy some of the best drinks in Gainesville! Now with more GCAT!
Hosted by Gainesville is for People
619 S Main St Unit 1B Gainesville, FL 32601
Come hang out with housing activists, learn about current issues facing our community, and enjoy some of the best drinks in Gainesville!
Hosted by Gainesville is for People
619 S Main St Unit 1B Gainesville, FL 32601